AI-Driven Visual Inclusivity

Making online visual content content more accessible and engaging to those with visual impairments

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Showcase picture of IN-Sight AI, Children sitting on a beach with a guitar

A Gap in Accessibility

“98% of top websites fail basic accessibility standards”

WebAIM Million 2021 Report

“Major online platforms have alt-text on as few as 0.1% of their images”

Carnegie Mellon University, Twitter Alt Text, 2019

“Top screen readers use alt-text or skip images altogether”



Rich Descriptions

Interactive Q&A

Multiple Languages

Easy Integrations

Realistic Voice

Real-time Adaptation

The Power of Lightning Fast Text-To-Speech By Neuphonic

A young man playing with a football on a footbal field

A Gap in Accessibility

We believe the inability to fully perceive images hinders access to information and isolates individuals from the shared experiences that connect us all.

Since the most popular screen readers rely on alt-text to interpret images, visual content is potentially invisible to countless users.

Need for a Universal Solution

It’s clear that we can’t rely on individual websites to meet these accessibility needs—they are far from doing so.

We need a universal solution that empowers the end-user to interpret image-based content independently, no matter where they are online.

A large market with chinese symbols all around,
Picture of cealing in a palace, cealing has drawings of angels all over it

Using Generative AI & Machine Learning

With the advancements in generative AI, we realised the potential to take image descriptions much further.

In-sight is a browser extension for image description that utilises cutting-edge vision, speech and language models fine-tuned for purpose, combined with machine learning techniques to give the best possible results.

Simply Amazing

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Jimmy Smith
Happy Customer

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